Then Don Ruiz of the News Tribune pipes in with “Super Sub.” Ugh.
Soundersboard stands by Roger “Money” Levesque for formal usage, as in, “And starting for the Sounders, Rogerrrr... Moneyyy... LeVESQUE!”
While Don Ruiz’s Super Sub nickname falls utterly flat (I think I got one of those from Quizno’s last week), I commend him for the philosophical quotes in his article.
First, Sigi, about his decision to sub Montero in Saturday’s match at Kansas City: “My mother always told me that your first reaction is usually your true reaction, and everything else is a rationalization.”
Pause and reflect.
Then Ruiz ends with a nice little aphorism from Ever Ready Roger, “They say luck is where opportunity meets preparation.”
One more nickname possibility – The Philosopher. He’s our own Emerson: “Patience and patience we shall win at the last!”

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