Since you know, I am not really a super-fan, definitely not qualified to be a sports reporter and am lacking pretty much any reason other than my own foolish pleasure in writing brief blog posts, I feel kind of funny giving my game re-cap, but my imaginary fans have demanded it.
At the start of the game, it seemed to me that Fredy Montero was eager to score after having his sexual allegations dropped, but those initial shots weren't on target. Later, when the game started to shift the other direction, he couldn't even get near enough to the box to attempt anything....oh, he finally got in the box, but then he just shot blanks.....
Maybe the Chivas uniforms got too distracting for the players like they did for me. Were they soccer players or candy stripers? Their playing proved otherwise but I if I had one of those in my closet, it would be going on the Christmas tree for sure.
After the game I went through it my head and realized for possibly the first time as a new observer of the game, how integral and stellar Keller really is to our team. I think Fredy I and Freddy II need to work more cohesively as a team, and the rest of the Sounders need to get shorter shorts.
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