Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Seattle Sounders FC Fans- Original Slideshow

I want to thank everybody who let me take their pictures and hope you get to see your faces on the blog. OK, admittedly, I may have gotten a little carried away with the special effects, but you can't blame a girl for trying, can you? As it stands, I am pretty fricking impressed with the quality of the fans at the Sounders games-everyone is still standing, still friendly, and cheering like mad when the ball comes anywhere near the goal.

As for my thoughts on the game, they are somewhat muddled from perhaps one too many PBR's beforehand, but I am thinking that there are WAY too many ties in the MLS. It's really hard to know how to feel after a game that ends in a tie. I mean, I guess, I'm happy when we tie instead of lose, but it lacks a certain kind of resolution that you get from other sports. (I was reminded earlier that I should be happy I'm not watching 5-day cricket games that end up in ties, but I don't really think my liver could take that kind of sport-watching.)I also think the refs need to lay off the red-cards. It's a little much to take.

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