Friday, October 23, 2009

Black and White, and Orange

Was there something a little incongruous about seeing Freddie walking through Home Depot up on North Aurora in the recent video on the Sounders FC homepage? (It's so worth watching - sorry, unembeddable - just be sure to tune out when Matt Gasch starts talking to some kids waiting in the dull line.) Walking down those orange warehouse rows in a svelte white shirt rolled up to the elbows and a very finely fitted black vest? Kasey Keller was a little more incognito in his baseball hat and neutral tones. But Freddie stood out in his black and white style in the place where just last weekend I schelpped in with muddy jeans holes in the knees and dirty fingernails.

Yes, there was, and it was great actually. A perfect juxtaposition. The working man’s world in black and white class. And I love me a working man. But I also love me some class. You can have it all.

Don’t forget folks, it’s good to dress up for an occasion! Make it an occasion!

Freddie’s raising the game in so many ways. The more we see of him the better. He looks great. He talks great. He’s complimentary. He’s humble. He has incredible style. He’s a new kind of very embraceable standard for Seattle, for the U.S. Work hard. Look good. Be kind.

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