Monday, October 19, 2009

Soundersboard is back!

Soundersboard is back! I can hardly believe it myself. And right at the end of the regular season, just in time for the playoffs! Well-timed just like the season ticket renewal deadline, you sly bastards.

The truth is I’ve been feeling guilty and now I’m inspired. Here I go and neglect Soundersboard while I’m off having fun all summer, and then Freddie comes out and publishes his own blog!

He's brief and to the point. Fantastic! We all deserve a little light blog fun, don't you know?

So you now have the company of Soundersboard for the playoffs all the way through the MLS cup! And I've decided to take it upon myself to entertain us (me and Becksta that is) throughout the long MLS-less winter.

I’ll just start promoting my book when we all get terribly bored. And when all else fails, (semi) naked pictures.

Meanwhile, I have been thinking about soccer, paying attention to the Sounders, watching games (on TV for what seems like forever), and thinking up apropos new nicknames for the guys on the pitch:

Stevie “Jets” Zakuani
Nate “No Moves” Jaqua
Roger “Money” Levesque

I stand by Sebastian “Le Hawk” but I still don’t know Freddie and Kasey well enough. Plus they both deserve the respect of a well-thought out sobriquet. As for Fredy, well, the jury’s out on him yet. But not the rest of y'all. Onward!


beckstaspage said...

show us more skin!

Fake Sigi said...

This is an altogether positive development.