The Sounders are getting ready to play four out of the next five games at home, and I'm thinking that it is time for five out of five wins. I'm also thinking that the time is high for instituting Dawn's Referee Rating Systems after each game because I am tired of seeing WAY too much red at the games. I know that they make jack-all, but come on, so do a lot of people in this economy and people all across the board are being rated on their performances- players included.
To get myself ready for the home game stretch, I economized and instead of a jersey, got an I scored with Freddie t-shirt. I want you to know that this is only meant to support him as a player and does not mean that I intend to score with him, just that I want to be watching when he scores....oops, that didn't sound much better, did it?
I'm planning on being there at halftime and post and pre-game to interview festive and interesting fans, so please be ready with your commentary.
1 comment:
Count me in for watching him score!
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