Celebrating all things Seattle Sounders FC! A place for fanatics... with Hot Chicks, Original Fan Photos, Existential and Sometimes Hilarious Commentary, and Links. Go Seattle! Go Sounders!
What exactly does this photo have to do with Seattle Sounders FC? Well, nothing, of course. But Google Analytics says that traffic is pretty light on Thursdays and that the posts with pictures of semi-naked chicks get a lot of hits.
So, let's find a connection here... imagine this team of soccer ladies is going to play an exhibition match against Sounders FC rain or shine (hopefully rain) some Sunday afternoon in July. All proceeds will go to Nothing But Nets and their campaign against malaria. Freddie Ljungberg will hook up with the chick front-row second from the left, but she’ll turn out to be allergic to dogs so it doesn’t work out. Brad Evans will be stalked by a Cosmo Girl who fell in love with his “Playa Profile,” but he won’t settle for less than back row, far right. Lastly, “Mandy” will be there and will finally win Evan Brown’s heart despite aggressive advances by middle row third from right.
1. Can I still eat hot dogs before after and during the game?
I don't know-can you?
2. Does beer work like an immunization?
Just stay away from Corona, Pacifico, and Dos Equis and you may very well be be ok. Tequila should be avoided, too.
3. Can I come to games even if I am sick?
Not if you're in section 132 or plan on getting beverages in the vicinity. 4. Are there any precautions I can take before the game?
Again, if you are in Section 132, I recommend gas masks, gloves, and a can of lysol for good measure.
*******For those of you wanting more information about the swine flu, please check the following link, which will have all of the information you need. www.doihaveswineflu.com
His coaches and the familiar media like to refer to him as "Seba," but here at SoundersBoard we officially christen Sebestain Le Toux "The Hawk." And the hawk certainly swept down on his opponents last night in the US Open Cup play-in game at Starfire Sports Complex in Tukwila. (Yeah, so Starfire is not a bad name for a venue, but let's face it... Tukwila? Everything that the Seattle Sounders FC have going for them in terms of their cosmopolitan appeal, their international feel, and their world-class support... is lost at Starfire Sports Complex.)
Two goals, two assists, and an accent so thick he needs subtitles a la Brad Pitt in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Le Hawk was so money last night he ended up in the sports section of the USA Today, America's most famous LCD newspaper (unwelcomed on hotel-room stoops daily across the nation). There was nothing unwelcome about Le Hawk's showing last night however. A Sounder through and through and arguably the hardest working and most sacrificed man on the pitch.
So has Le Hawk made Sigi Schmid's decision of who will start on Saturday more difficult? Sigi says:
“Always, that’s the way it should be. That’s what he wants to do. You want to have a team that has 17, 18, 19 guys that can start for you, because it’s a long season. You never know who’s going to get hurt, and who’s going to miss, so this is a good game for people to build their confidence. Seb certainly presents us alternatives, and it was nice to be able to play him up front, where he’s obviously more comfortable than he is in a wide position.”
If only Sigi considered that hawks are widely reputed to have visual acuity several times that of a normal human being and attack by sudden dashes from a concealed perch, then the question would be a no-brainer.
“Bottom line: If you're a soccer fan living in America, you're doing yourself a great disservice if you don't make an attempt to take in a Seattle Sounders FC game. The overwhelming fan support, the sold-out crowds, the insane noise level inside Qwest Field -- it's enough to bring a tear to one's eye...”
Say it, brother!
I can’t even turn around without feeling proud of Seattle fans. (Check out gorilla man and other original fan photos below for some tear-jerking humanity, Seattle-style.)
Fortunately, the media are singing my song. This article on SI.com is full of superlatives (not expletives, friends – those would be found on the blogs of San Jose’s superfans): greatest, wildest, most intelligent. Stop, really, enough about me. Let’s talk about what you think of me.
Seriously though, Kasey Keller is pure class. So if you’re in the mood to feel all warm and fuzzy about being a Sounders FC fan while also polishing up your league talking-points for this week’s debate down at the pub, then this is the article to read. Moreover, you may just get a glimpse into where Kasey Keller thinks he might be in two, five, even thirty years from now. And if you are a true Sounders FC fan, you’re going to like what you hear.
P.S. Speaking of songs... if you missed Becksta’s genius Kasey Keller tribute a few posts back, do check it out here.
Or at least in the stadium and why wouldn't there be a gorilla or two marching around? I hope that he at least had his id with him so he could drink one of those $8.25 beers that I may have accidentally consumed at the game.
I'm in the mood to crop this picture a little and make a little motivational poster of sorts, but I can't seem to come up with anything truly inspiring...caption it for me and I promise to make a stunning poster.
So I ordered me up a helping of DVR last week and swapped out my cable box. Genius, I must say. Or idiotic not to have done it sooner, you might say. There’s no replacing the experience at Xbox pitch, but re-watching the match in high-definition during those dry days without Sounders action is a beautiful thing for a superfan. Plus, you may have noticed I’m not at the top of my blogging game the day-after-a-home-game. We at SoundersBoard are often in need of a little recovery time. Good thing you're not coming here for the play by play commentary. Moreover, without said DVR I would have missed the pregame report from Jen Mueller. Jen Mueller is like FSN’s version of Craig Sager, and I love Craig Sager. (If you don’t know who Craig Sager is, well, he’s the guy on the sidelines at NBA and MLB games in the best suits. Like the ones you can get at LeRoy Menswear down on 2nd and Pike and that have been adorning pimps for decades.)
Jen enlightened us all by interviewing the capo for Emerald City Supporters outside the classic Triangle Pub (not to be confused with the meat-market Triangle in Fremont or the Ould Triangle on Greenwood). So if you were wondering who leads the ECS in singing the first verse of the Perry Como’s Seattle at kick-off or maybe the Cock Sparrer song Take 'Em All, now you know. “Mommy, what’s a cock sparrer?” The answer to that, you remain on your own with, unless Jen explains it during the next pregame show.
You can practice up on Sounders FC songs and chants at ECS’s excellent website. You can also learn about all that great tifo down in the South End. “In Keller We Trust” rang true for me.
Some lively chap in my section, I’ll presume not an official capo, but enthusiastic nonetheless, was leading fans in:
But my personal favorite remains:
We came to drink, we came to sing whoa whoa We came to drink, we came to sing whoa whoa We came to drink, we came to sing ECS from one thirteen! Whoa, ooohhh, oohh
(Squeeze in any section number that you are sitting in, of course.)
Signing off with:
I’m Sounders ‘till I die, I’m Sounders ‘till I die. I know I am, I’m sure I am. I’m Sounders ‘till I die.
Today is the day that Kasey Keller steps back into the net for Sounders FC. And that makes me feel kinda like this (and it's also inspired my attire for this evening's match):
After all, when I join 28,000 of my Sounders brothers and sisters at Xbox Pitch tonight, I’ll know that the man in the black and gray is back in charge of the boys in green:
And if it comes down to it, we can count on him for some of this:
But as Sigi Schmid said this week, a good goalkeeper is about presence as much as anything. So good luck stepping up to this, Earthquakes. He's going to squeeze your little heads:
I'm betting we'll be throwing our arms in the air in victory by match end:
And thanking Kasey for his top-notch skills, and also for the compliment he gave us in the NY Time’s Goal blog when he pointed out that the Sounders “play before an educated crowd. You won’t hear any big cheers when I kick the ball far!”
Yikes. If that’s true, Kasey, I am deeply sorry. Maybe that was back in these days when the girls with their tight-rolled jeans screamed, “Wow! He kicked the ball far!”
Kasey is the man.
PS - Expect to continue to see me find tangential ways to post pictures of Kasey with a mullet until the end of time.
Sugar-voiced teenage Mandy, an American in Argentina, had a couple of hours to kill before going to watch the Sounders preseason practice way back when. So she casually whips up a song about her crush: Evan Brown. It ends up, as so much evidence of our good and bad behaviors do, on YouTube.
What a sweetheart! Fast-forward to Taylor Graham’s From the Pitch blog on April 10. (Earlier From the Pitch posts offer photos of the bare-chested young crush in question balancing a cabbage on his foot. Love it.)
Taylor wants to get 20K hits on Mandy’s video by June 1. Today’s count is just under 6K, so we’ve got some work to do, Sounders Fans! Have another listen, send it to your friends, and play it at your pregame party! Click, click click!
I fully intended to plug this effort when I thought the campaign might be floundering - maybe next week sometime. But this morning, I did in fact wake up with Mandy's song in my head. I laughed when Taylor Graham claimed that it happened to him. Right. That's cute, Taylor. It's just cute, cute, cute around MLS these days. And yet there it was as I was walking to work: “Evan brown hmmm mm see you frown. Hum ma mmm.”
Plus I thought with Brad Evan’s getting all the cutesy attention from CosmoGirl's (this is linked from the mls.net homepage!?) MLS Feature, maybe Evan Brown was feeling a little left out.
Thanks to SoundersBoard reader “tequilabb” for the reminder to spread the word! You can join the group in support of Mandy here.
Sometimes joy arrives in unexpected forms. Emails about eggs? Subject line read: “Chivas Laid an Egg.” Lo! They’ve cracked.
Toronto, I take back all the nasty things I said (for today, and today only).
Sounders FC defeats Toronto FC. Chivas USA defeats Sounders FC. Toronto FC defeats Chivas USA. It’s teleological, baby.
After learning the following from MLSnet.com, I actually felt bad for those dirty Reds:
The win was the first of the season for TFC at BMO Field (egads), and their first-ever victory against the Red-and-White after going 0-4 against the Western Conference side over the previous two seasons (sad).
And lest you need a reminder, "Toronto also became the first team this season to defeat first-place Chivas, who entered the match atop the MLS overall table with a 4-0-1 record."
For all that satisfaction you longed for last weekend, take in the sight of a ball going past Zach Thornton and into the Chivas net...
And breathe a nice big sigh. It helps to have our loss avenged so quickly. Just in time for this weekend’s match. Onward!
1. Get Festive and by festive I mean, drunk. 2. Find scarf and adorn it gracefully on body. 3. Do a pre-victory naked dance around the apartment. 4. Go to game and/or pre-funk 5. Convince other festive fans to show me some skin for the ole bloggerooni 6. Watch raptly without spilling my beer as the Sounders open a can of Whup-ass 7. Pretend I am famous, wickedly hot sports reporter and interview enthusiastic fans. 8. Drink 9. Show at least one deep error in judgment, safely make it home and pass out while blogging, beer in my hand.
******Repeat every home game day for the rest of the season, or at least until July.
I was glad to see that Nick Green’s soccer column this week exploring what to love and hate in the MLS found only things to love about our Sounders FC: copious crowds and unmatched enthusiasm, Kasey Keller and Fredy Montero. Check.
But I’ve found more to love, oh so much more. My heartfelt love goes out to SoCal Sound - “a group of passionate Seattle Sounders supporters who live in Southern California – but bleed blue and green.” Sing it!
And if you did a double-take during last Saturday’s game against Chivas when the camera panned over a section of fans proudly holding their Sounders FC scarves aloft, you weren’t alone. “Wha? Where did all that blue and green in a sea of red come from?” I love how the Sounders Flag in this photo is obscuring the banner in the background that reads "Home of Chivas USA."
Seriously, how many emerging sports clubs of any kind can you think of that have groups of supporters outside of their home state? I’ve found more than one Packer bar outside of Wisconsin, but I’m quite sure that out-of-state support didn’t exist a mere two months into the first season (sure, that was way back in 1919...).
Bottom line: We’re Sounders ‘till we die… no matter what state we live in!
For an inside scoop on what the future may hold for Fredy Montero, check out yesterday's article from SI.com. A little European play, perhaps?
Can’t blame the kid, can you? I mean, look at the shit they’ve got going on over there:
Unbelievable! Beauty.
But back to Fredy... I'm looking, as we all are, for him to be back on his game this Saturday night. It's not time for Europe yet. The Sounders need you, baby. Let's go.
The Sounders have scored no goals in the past two games, so a little reminder of Sounders goal-scorin' history is in order. It's also 4/20 today, whatever that means, and a slow-moving, eight-minute video set to an awesome Joe Satriani guitar track fits the bill nicely. Sweet.
Furthermore, my cohort Becksta wants to see some shorter shorts out on the pitch, so here ya go. And speaking of pitch, how about a reminder of how nice it is to play on an actual soccer pitch rather than the an American football field complete with 100 yards of paint and SEAHAWKS branded endzones? You can barely see the box for chrissakes!
Ahhh... let's hope for some Roger Levesque-esque goals this weekend. Whaddya say, boys? Alright!
Since you know, I am not really a super-fan, definitely not qualified to be a sports reporter and am lacking pretty much any reason other than my own foolish pleasure in writing brief blog posts, I feel kind of funny giving my game re-cap, but my imaginary fans have demanded it.
At the start of the game, it seemed to me that Fredy Montero was eager to score after having his sexual allegations dropped, but those initial shots weren't on target. Later, when the game started to shift the other direction, he couldn't even get near enough to the box to attempt anything....oh, he finally got in the box, but then he just shot blanks.....
Maybe the Chivas uniforms got too distracting for the players like they did for me. Were they soccer players or candy stripers? Their playing proved otherwise but I if I had one of those in my closet, it would be going on the Christmas tree for sure.
After the game I went through it my head and realized for possibly the first time as a new observer of the game, how integral and stellar Keller really is to our team. I think Fredy I and Freddy II need to work more cohesively as a team, and the rest of the Sounders need to get shorter shorts.
I want to eat a whole Dungeness crab for dinner tonight. I want my dog to stop eating dish towels and puking them up in the middle of the night. I want my frickin’ sinuses to clear up.
However, none of those things (well, maybe the last one) would make the list of my desires. The things I long for. That I itch for. That I eagerly pursue. My hunger. My lust and lasciviousness.
Nope. Crab. Dog puking. Stuffy sinuses. Not on the list.
Strangely, it seems that beating Chivas USA was not on the Sounders’ list of desires last night either.
They just seemed a little... well, flat. Like they were jet lagged, or ate too much Mexican food, or expended too much mojo having sex before the match. Like they were forced to share a locker room with the Chivas Girls, a case of champagne, ten dozen raw oysters, and three hours to kill. (For background on this observation, see Freddie Lungberg’s comments on sex before games here. And then add this article to the list of reasons why the Seattle Times should quickly follow the PI into online obscurity and leave real news reporting to even the moderately qualified.)
I know, I’m a superfan. I’m not supposed to criticize. And I’m not, not really. I’m not telling you that they weren’t attacking or didn’t have the right people in the lineup or just couldn’t recover momentum after Montero swung his chip shot wide left in the seventh minute (seventh minute!@$?). All I’m saying is that watching the game was just kinda... blah. Like driving through the Dakotas on your way out West. You know it’s gonna be good, but at this moment, well... it’s not.
Feed the dog, take him outside, or otherwise happily settle him into the corner of the room. Chill your beverages: beer, champagne, smoothies for the kids, mojitos, or Blue Hawaii's (if you want to drink the team colors). Don your jersey, scarf, $5 t-shirt from QFC, or neon green wig from last Halloween + old green t-shirt + blue vest. No need to be fancy folks. Just be creative with the blue and green! Switch over from The Sound of Music, er, I mean the other MLS game on Fox Soccer Channel to KONG HD as your crew begins to gather around your big screen TV. Make fun of Lisa Gangel and her name during the pregame show. ("To gangle" means to move awkwardly or ungracefully. Add that to the list of unfortunate names, right after Tom Dickhaus.) Decide which Chivas USA player will be the official target of rabid and unfair criticism. Begin blasting with virulent vitriol. Move to the edge of your seats, raise your scarves, voices, and green-colored drinks, and cheer like you were at Xbox Pitch. They can feel it, baby. Get it on.
We love Kasey Keller. He's local, he's hot (albeit not so much with a mullet), and he's a world-class keeper, but did you know there was a fricking song about him? Check it out! Personally, I think it's a little cheesey, but hey the last time I checked I didn't have any songs named after me! Seattle's got a great music scene and I think someone should take up the mantle and get a new song going for the man!
Yeah, I know, kinda weak that this post is purely a compilation of other cool info I found elsewhere on the web today. But the fact is that I’m on day six of being frickin’ sick, and I just don’t have it in me tonight.
So, here we go...
First up, Happy Birthday Freddie! Karl Fredrik "Freddie" Ljungberg was born April 16, 1977.
And this photo is all about the tattoo, obviously.
Next up, another priceless photo of our one and only:
Kasey Keller!
Taking us back in time! Remember kids, mullets were still cool back then. Especially when you rocked one while cruising in your Iroc Z28 with the custom paint job (like the one I drove to my junior prom with a case of Boone’s Farm in the hatch. Sweet!).
And finally, a bizarre and slightly uncomfortable segment from a local newscast down in LA. Sigh, local news. You just love to be base, don’t you? Must you always go for the lowest common denominator (LCD)? But I will admit, despite the fact I will be vigorously cheering against these dudes this weekend, I found this video very entertaining.
Props to Laurie over at the Seattle Offside blog for these two items above. Check out her Chivas-Sounders Match Preview for some proper soccer commentary. (You know, the kind you don’t get here.)
Via the Slog, the whole lurid thing is up at the Seattle Times and has been for about a day. I'd read some details but had no idea the juice was loose. Here's some key points I picked up. Following are key quotes from the paper: "The woman, who had lived in Colombia and speaks Spanish fluently, told police that she met Montero when they went out to a nightclub with several others on March 14."
She said he tried to force her to have sex, but she fought his advances. The prosecutor's report says, however, that she didn't report this incident to police until the third time they interviewed her. She later said "she didn't consider this rape since he stopped when she told him to stop," the prosecutors' report says.
The prosecutor's report says the record of the messages shows she repeatedly sent him friendly messages, including photos of the two together at the nightclub. One of the photos showed Montero kissing her on the cheek. She also wished him luck on an upcoming soccer match, added him as a "friend" on her Facebook account, and at one point invited Montero out to a bar, but he didn't respond.
Then on March 22, the reports say, Montero called her around 2:30 a.m. on March 22 to tell her that he had found her necklace and invited her over.
She told police that she went back against her better judgment because one of his teammates would be there as well.
At some point, the teammate left and the woman claims that Montero dragged her up the stairs, removed her clothes and raped her while she cried for help
The bolding is mine. Like the prosecutors and most Sounders fans, I find it quite interesting that she did not think she was raped before the opening game on March 19, but reported that she was later, possibly after realizing just who she had be-friended, arguably the best player in the MLS.
After running into him once, she claimed he was stalking her, but wasn't she the one sending him repeated texts about her necklace? (to which he did not respond- who was stalking who is all I'm saying.)
I hope I'm not letting my love for the Sounders color my vision to greener pastures, but in this case, I really think the law made the right call.
Now that we've endured our first loss, it seems appropriate to discuss the Top 10 Things True Sounders Fans Don't Do. Bring on your comments folks, let's hear what you think!
10. Wear pink or silver or any other non-blue-and-green-colored variation of Sounders gear just because you think you look cuter and/or cooler. You don't, you faker. So far, I don't think the Sounders have sold out a la the Mariners and Seahawks, so this is for future reference (since the Mariner's home opener reminded me how lame this is). 9. Wear high heels to a match (unless you're a big hairy guy and it's part of your Sounders get-up). But you ladies, c'mon. I know there are a lot of dudes at Sounders matches, but wearing high heels is not the way to catch their eye. If you do wear heels and you bite it coming up the stairs as you try to execute a turn into your row whilst double-fisting Mike's Hard Lemonades for your sorority sisters, well... you will be appropriately mocked. 8. Wear your Premiere League scarf instead of a Sounders FC one because it's good for picking up chicks afterwards. "Yeah, I've been to England. Eng-LAND. It's an island, ya know. The Sounders, they're alright, but they don't compare. You wanna wear my scarf? Sure, baby. Okay, that's enough. Now give it back before your spill your Cosmo on it." (Okay, moving on from the sartorial no-no's. True Sounders fans do not...) 7. Wander aimlessly through the concourse asking, "Where are the garlic fries" and "Why didn't I get my Kasey Keller bobblehead at the gate?" 6. Throw shit on the field like those Toronto lame-os. Class, baby. Class. 5. Brag to all your friends at work of the inaugural game, "Oh my god, it was sooo awesome!" and then fail to be able to name the opposing team when queried. "Huh?" 4. Discriminate against Freddie Ljungberg's playing abilities based on his age, the fact that he's retired from the international game, or that he is also (whew, it’s getting warm in here all of sudden – must be the laptop on my knees) an underwear model. And we're not talking Hanes either. 3. Let your lack of singing ability stop you from joining the Emerald City Supporters in their rendition of Perry Como's "Seattle" (Memorize the lyrics here). It's not really singing folks. It's a combination of shouting and chanting, and with a minimum of 20 people participating, it sounds just fine. 2. Boo the home team. And since booing the visiting team and/or refs can't be distinguished from booing the home team, best not do it at all. M'kay? 1. Leave early. Goddam it, unless your house is burning down, you better stay in your seat until the bitter end (presuming it is bitter if you are considering leaving early).
Come on everybody, I know you can't see his face too well, but I'm thinking the guy with the hair has gotta to be the hottest fan.....and still proudly adorned the same way though the game was almost over.
Sure, it's Al Jazeera English, but you get my point.
Thinking about it now, it's not surprising that soccer is what is putting Seattle on the international map. I wouldn't have predicted it a few months ago, but soccer has been deconstructed to do amazing things before, including bringing about world peace (or on the flip side, inciting wars). Check out this Washington Post article for a lil' scholarship, you superfan nerds.
I don't know if it is all of the proselytizing that is going on about soccer and the Sounders in Seattle, but even the Sea-gals are on board, well, a couple of them anyway....sorry about the lack of cleavage, boys...they covered it with their scarves and I was too shy to ask for a better photo opp....
These are my original pics of some of Seattle's coolest fans. Not sure who the dude is in the back of the two blue-headed girls, but that's quite all right. Also, the kid with the mohawk was totally awesome and may just have the "raddest" mom ever.
We lost the game last night, but our MOJO is still firmly intact. I would like to stress the fact that every single fan in the house was standing throughout the entire game. True, the singing could use some work, "Let's go Sounders" was a constant chant, but there was nothing for the team or the fans to be ashamed of during the match.
"Just thinking about next Saturday... bet your bottom dollar that next Saturday... they'll be sun."
Yes, today is looking gray and lonely. But I'm not blue. I'm still rave green. I'm keepin' my chin up, baby. (You too, Freddie.)
Personally I don't care for being undefeated. Too much pressure. And maybe a sign of not enough competition either. I heard up and down last week how the Sounders had a big red bullseye painted on them. They had the best record in the league, the most buzz, and the biggest loudest fan base. Every team wanted to take them down.
Fine then. Let Kansas City be the ones.
Let the Wizards have their meek victory.
Their weak, barely there ascendancy.
Their sad celebration of mediocrity.
A limping display from a midwest nonentity.
Conjured up by Hobbit-like weinies.
(Nice headband, you pussy.
Your tug is proof of your inferiority).
Seattle will be better off for it next Saturday. Pressure relieved. Perspective gained. Desire to win fueled. That bright red bullseye off their chests. And we'll be with them, goddam right. No matter what boys, we'll be with you.
"The American soccer revolution will happen one pint at a time." from here
I had no idea that my beer-drinking was contributing so much to the future of the MLS. The pressure is off for the blogging now. All I have to do is get drunk. Thank God. I can drink beer. Bring it on! I guess my only question is: how much beer do I have to drink?
On an unrelated side note, why aren't there any bikini baristas next to the stadium on game days? If people weren't that into coffee, they could always sell hot-dogs....not that I would condone that sort of thing......I just think it would be a great business venture.
Don't be fooled by the steely stare. This Jimmy Conrad bloke is a funny man. Get a read on him (literally) before he comes to Qwest Field tomorrow night as one of Kansas City's defenders.
Phy-si-cal-ity. They got it. Uh huh. Uh huh. Right. Moving on. Okay folks, what I'm talking about is those Sounders boys but it ain't about cute or anything like that today. What I'm talking about is play. P-l-a-y. What I love about sports in general is the physicality of play. Things are more fun when they are physical. Driving a stick shift for example. More fun than an automatic. Being in bed. More fun when it is physical. Watching sports. More fun when it is physical. Yeah sure, golf is fun to play, but is it fun to watch? Is it interesting to watch, sometimes riveting? Yes. Fun? No. (Mostly it's that sleep inducing Master's music that requires you talk in a whisper: "[breathy] Pass the canapes and crudite please!"). Is horse racing fun to watch? Yes. The horses are banging into each other. The jockeys are bouncing up and down like... um. Nevermind. Tennis? Yes. I mean, have you not heard the emphatic "uhhs" as they slam the ball? I'd be uncomfortable if I was watching it with my parents. Reminds me of the time I thought it would be a good idea to watch Fargo with my parents. Welcome to Seattle, Mom and Dad! Glad you could visit. Shall we have some ice cream and a movie now that we're tuckered out from our day at the Museum of Flight? How about a little Midwestern comedy? Ever seen Fargo? Oh wow, I forgot this was kind of violent. Hmmm, I wonder if they are offended by the mocking of the Midwestern accent? I bet they don't even realize it. Oh, jeez, the nasty hookers are riding Steve Buscemi like... like jockeys! Excuse me, I... I'm just going to get some more ice cream.
So now that none of you will forget that Fargo is not a family film I will get on with my point. The Sounders have dominated in their physicality in these first two matches, which is part of why they are a joy to watch. My favorite example so far was Nate Jaqua's WWE action from Saturday's match at Toronto. Not much more than ten minutes into the second period, Jaqua went up for a header just across the midfield line and was undercut by a Toronto player. Jaqua came down hard on him and accidentally (I'm sure) hooked his arm around the head of that nasty red shirt and smashed him to the ground. It was a bona fide headlock. But the beautiful part was the red shirt was called for the foul and Seattle got the ball. Jaqua then secured his future career as senior diplomat to Runnerupistan when he was seen giving the injured chap a friendly pat with a look that said, "I'm sorry... you pansy chump!"
Of course, when said red shirt gets traded to the Sounders in the 2010 season, I will find a way to call him one bad ass motherfucker. But for now, that designation is for all the boys in green. Go Sounders!
Everyone says that Seattle has followed the European tradition of Soccer, ahem Football to use the preferred term, to a perfect "T". I totally disagree. While we have ardent, rabid, naked, singing fans, strong community support for the Sounders, and scarves, we lack the levels of violent support that make European Football (especially English) so great....how long do we have to wait until the fans become brutal and ugly in their fervent desires to support their team?
By this, I mean to show my pride for the very cool nature of Sounders Fans.....Here's another great video exemplifying why Seattle Sounders and their fans kick arse....
Boobs thus far have been a prevalent theme here, but what we really want to know is who's hot? Check out Dan Savage's take on the Sounders: and weigh in here with your own opinion.... Who's the hottest Sounder? And, perhaps, more importantly, who is the hottest Sounders Fan?
Welcome to SoundersBoard! We began drunkenly after a recent Sounders game. That’s the problem with early afternoon games. What do you do with yourself by 4pm – Sleep? Keep drinking? Create a blog? Keep drinking and create a blog? Bingo! Apologies if you somehow found your way to our site that day, although you did get to see some good pictures of... never mind. At least we managed to fix the spelling of the site from the original listing of SoundersBored.
We’re a group of Seattle friends who have found themselves somewhat accidentally in love with Seattle Sounders FC. In a matter of weeks we’ve come to obsess about our local club. The result has been copious hours spent “homing from work” (a variation of working from home) in which we spend a few hours a day looking for good Sounders FC stuff online – videos, articles, pictures, fan camaraderie, anything to feed the soul of a fan between matches. After just a few weeks into the season it’s clear that either we are spending too much time homing from work or there are not enough Sounders FC happenings on the web. Enter SoundersBoard.
SoundersBoard is about fans. We’re no experts and we’re not pretending to be serious (as if the boobs didn’t give that away already). This is a place for fans in the true sense of the word:
fa⋅nat⋅ic [fuh-nat-ik] –noun 1. a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal, as in religion or politics [or soccer].
We’re rather extreme in our enthusiasm (again, boobs) and we are wholly uncritical. Which is why you’ll want to bookmark another blog that debates whether Stellar McPlayer should be part of the starting lineup if that’s what you’re in to. We like that too but can’t promise any incisive commentary from this group. Instead we’ll provide a forum to celebrate girl/boy meets soccer club meets thirty thousand new confederates in a city that they love.
There was one thing I wanted from Saturday’s match at Toronto FC. Besides a win of course. And that was for Freddie Ljungberg to score (or “Fredrik”, as the FSC anchors reported he now wants to be called).
Despite waiting all week to watch the match on TV, I committed a rookie error of getting the start time wrong. So when I finally got myself in front of the TV at about the 35th minute, I had already missed the moment I had been waiting for. But I didn’t care. It had happened and that was all that mattered. Ljungberg scored? Ljungberg scored! Hell yes!!
We needed it. He needed it. With one Fredy out, the other steps up. Go Sounders!