Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kasey Keller: Iconic. Seattle Sounders Fans? Perhaps.

“Bottom line: If you're a soccer fan living in America, you're doing yourself a great disservice if you don't make an attempt to take in a Seattle Sounders FC game. The overwhelming fan support, the sold-out crowds, the insane noise level inside Qwest Field -- it's enough to bring a tear to one's eye...”

Say it, brother!

I can’t even turn around without feeling proud of Seattle fans. (Check out gorilla man and other original fan photos below for some tear-jerking humanity, Seattle-style.)

Fortunately, the media are singing my song. This article on SI.com is full of superlatives (not expletives, friends – those would be found on the blogs of San Jose’s superfans): greatest, wildest, most intelligent. Stop, really, enough about me. Let’s talk about what you think of me.

Seriously though, Kasey Keller is pure class. So if you’re in the mood to feel all warm and fuzzy about being a Sounders FC fan while also polishing up your league talking-points for this week’s debate down at the pub, then this is the article to read. Moreover, you may just get a glimpse into where Kasey Keller thinks he might be in two, five, even thirty years from now. And if you are a true Sounders FC fan, you’re going to like what you hear.

P.S. Speaking of songs... if you missed Becksta’s genius Kasey Keller tribute a few posts back, do check it out here.

1 comment:

beckstaspage said...

nice link. let's hope Kasey and fellows, and Seattle fanz keep bringing it on!