Monday, April 6, 2009

Who's Hot?

Boobs thus far have been a prevalent theme here, but what we really want to know is who's hot? Check out Dan Savage's take on the Sounders: and weigh in here with your own opinion.... Who's the hottest Sounder? And, perhaps, more importantly, who is the hottest Sounders Fan?


Fnarf said...

The hottest Sounders fan is, of course, Mrs. Fnarf, but the "#1 Fan" pictured in the post below is, ahem, intriguing. But not before the match, please; my glasses fog and then I can't see the action.

I'm not qualified to judge player hotness but I'm going to plug for Osvaldo Alonso just on the basis of his terrific play so far.

Unknown said...

Oh me oh my. Freddie's tops. No doubt. But they all look good from the stands.

And just in case you need proof, here's the clip from our favorite bastion of American progress, ET Online: Yowza.

beckstaspage said...

that video definitely steamed up my glasses.....with assets like that, i'm really surprised there aren't more female soccer fans....

speaking of fans, we'd be more than happy to post hot photos of Fnarf, Mrs. Fnarf or anyone else so motivated to slightly disrobe for the site....