Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sounders FC: My Game Day Mission #547

1. Get Festive and by festive I mean, drunk.
2. Find scarf and adorn it gracefully on body.
3. Do a pre-victory naked dance around the apartment.
4. Go to game and/or pre-funk
5. Convince other festive fans to show me some skin for the ole bloggerooni
6. Watch raptly without spilling my beer as the Sounders open a can of Whup-ass
7. Pretend I am famous, wickedly hot sports reporter and interview enthusiastic fans.
8. Drink
9. Show at least one deep error in judgment, safely make it home and pass out while blogging, beer in my hand.

******Repeat every home game day for the rest of the season, or at least until July.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

LOL! I like that so many of these can be done concurrently. Especially exercising lack of judgment... that goes with everything.