Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Seattle on the International Scene: Thank You Sounders FC

Sounders FC in the New York Times. Not just in the sports section either...

Sounders FC on FIFA Futbol Mundial:

Gotta love it. (Doh! Can't get this to embed properly. Here's the URL: http://www.soundersfc.com/media-library/Videos/Features/2009/03-March/090330-Futbol-Mundial.aspx)

Sounders FC on Al Jazeera:

Sure, it's Al Jazeera English, but you get my point.

Thinking about it now, it's not surprising that soccer is what is putting Seattle on the international map. I wouldn't have predicted it a few months ago, but soccer has been deconstructed to do amazing things before, including bringing about world peace (or on the flip side, inciting wars). Check out this Washington Post article for a lil' scholarship, you superfan nerds.

1 comment:

beckstaspage said...

great links, Dawn. I'm not sure how we made it to Al Jazeera, but that's gotta be a good thing, right?